
  • Spring Asian Cultural Festival

    Promote Chinese cultural clubs (Chinese Music Club, Hanfu Club) through activities and performances

    Attract potential club members for next year

    Educate and promote Chinese culture & arts to the general public (not just limited to Chinese audience)

    Gain exposure and revenues for both clubs to plan future events

  • 春季亚洲文化嘉年华


    你可以现场试穿精美的汉服喝着奶茶🧋欣赏我们典雅的民乐演奏,同时你还可以和其他小伙伴一起和我们制作手工灯笼🏮并穿着汉服和你的手工艺品or和我们的乐器合影,和朋友们在学期结束前一起留下难忘的回忆(photo booth)!🤩

    📌地点:Nest 二楼 Performance Theatre

    📌票价:$12/人 (包括手工,奶茶和演出)



    桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。 欢迎小伙伴和我们一起共赴这场春日之约